quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2007

In the evening twilight lies a ray of hope! What next?

Crepuscule … twilight (whatever), it seems no one knows whence it comes from and what does it mean. I am not wondering whence I came from, or to where I am going. I could wonder: who am I? But I know who I am, since I am human being and I am deeply mindful human being is nothing but contradiction. Even though I refuse the teaching of those who endeavour to argue that life is a mistake, I want to know what crepuscule is and what will follow it. Is it road to downfall? Is it a special fall, a fall of regeneration?
The doctrinal systematization often leads me to an “aporia, a logical impasse. Should I be led by the allurement of the rational logic? I see a ray of shadow in crepuscular moments. There the shadow is brighter and brighter; brighter than any ray of sun itself. From horizon to horizon, all I can see is the hope in something I cannot grasp through my own intellect. I am not concerned. After all I was made from the clay of dust. Rises and falls, after all my daily journey. What should be my attitude towards crepuscule? They say I should get back to my roots, but there is a crepuscule there. What is this astonishing crepuscule?

4 comentários:

Joaninha disse...

Dear Jair: I'm afraid that if I had the ability to answer you I would be already part of the gloaming. The dusky voice that involves us each day only brings the certainty that every twilight carries hope enough to let us live.
Happy birthday - here, where, in some way, you're reborn.

Jairzinho Pereira (Jair) disse...

Dear Joana!

I myself do not fear the gloaming. Often the real problem does not lie in the crepuscule, but rather in the message we grasp from its meaning. To the best of my knowledge, there is a ray of hope in there, a hope of regenration. Moreover, the night itself brings peace. Behold, the stars and the full moon! I am happy because I know you are with me now and you'll stand by me in the dusky nights.

Congratulations. You were the first visitor (and the only so far).

Best wishes;

Anônimo disse...

fiquei simplesmente maravilhada!congratulations

Anônimo disse...

Bem-haja anónimo/a! A contumácia da existência persistirá nesse motus ad esse. Nada melhor do que a amizade e o carinho dos outros para nos transmitir o alento de que a existência tanto precisa. Da próxima tenta resolver o problema da identidade. Estou curioso...